Use vncviewer
to connect to remove VNC instances, such as KVM console.
vncviewer host::port vncviewer calcium::5900
VNC Listener
This makes VNC listen for inbound client requests, like a callback.
vncviewer SecurityTypes=none -listen
A remote client sould then connect to you, port 5500
x11vnc Server
x11vnc -nopw -forever -loop500
vncviewer exo handler
#!/bin/bash ( set -o xtrace host=$(echo "$1"|perl -ne '/vnc:\/\/(.+)[:\/]/ && print $1') port=$(echo "$1"|perl -ne '/:(\d+)$/ && print $1') echo "vncviewer $host::$port" vncviewer --geometry 1280x1024+2000+20 $host::$port ) >> /tmp/exo.log 2>&1