Here is how we share our Keys with clients and how we expect contractors, employees or others to share keys with us.
Installing Edoceo SSH Keys
As Root
If we've asked to connect as root
use one of these commands.
curl >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys curl >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys curl >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys curl >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
As Regular User
First add a user, then install one of the keys use something like this.
useradd --comment "Edoceo" --create-home edoceo curl $KEY_LINK >> /home/edoceo/.ssh/authorized_keys
Download Our Keys
Sharing Keys with Edoceo
When sending us keys, please only use the standard OpenSSH format, which looks like the keys we've shared above.
Do not send PPK, this is a specialised format used by PuTTY. Of course we could covert that to the standard, and then install it. However, we've asked you for keys so we can give you access to our systems. You will provide the keys in our desired format.