Installing Pure-FTPd
Distribution specific, roughly:
root@host # emerge -pv pure-ftpd These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating dependencies ... done! [ebuild N ] net-ftp/pure-ftpd-1.0.21-r1 USE="-anondel -anonperm -anonren \ -anonres -caps -charconv ldap -mysql -noiplog pam -paranoidmsg postgres \ (-selinux) ssl vchroot -xinetd" 0 kB # Or user@host $ sudo aptitude install pure-ftpd
Adjust USE flags as necessary, mysql and postgres can be useful for account data storage. The vchroot option is very cool.
Preparing Firewall
root@host # iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 20:21 -j ACCEPT
Distribution specific methods to perisist your firewall state/rules, do that now.
Configuring Pure-FTPd
Pure-FTPd runs with strictly command line options, no configuration file.
On Gentoo these are kept in the usual place, conf.d; Ubuntu see below.
Edit /etc/conf.d/pure-ftpd
to start, setting parameters as necessary, here is an OK version.
# This limits accounts to only what is in the Pure-FTPd database AUTH="-lpuredb:/etc/pureftpd.pdb" # Post Upload Processor UPLOADSCRIPT="/opt/edoceo/sbin/" # MISC_OTHER="--chrooteveryone --noanonymous --dontresolve --nochmod -p 20000:20099 --prohibitdotfileswrite --customerproof --tls=1"
Add Users
This setup changes ownership of files to a common FTP user and make a vchroot jail for them to work in
# mkdir /home/$user # chown -R $user:ftp /home/$user # pure-pw useradd $user -u www-data -g www-data -d /var/ftp
Pure-FTPd Upload Script
Here is a basic starter script for an email notification and moving the uploaded file to a private location.
#!/bin/bash # # Post Upload script for client-ftp space # Use lots of quotes # # :mode=shellscript: # # Set by Pure-FTPd # $UPLOAD_SIZE, $UPLOAD_PERMS, $UPLOAD_UID, $UPLOAD_GID, $UPLOAD_USER, $UPLOAD_GROUP, $UPLOAD_VUSER ftp_file="$1" ftp_file_name=$(basename "$ftp_file") ftp_file_dest="/tmp/upload-$ftp_file_name" ftp_notify="user@domain.tld" out_file=$(tempfile) cat <<EOF > $out_file Subject: File Upload Notification The user: '$UPLOAD_VUSER' Uploaded: '$ftp_file_name' Stored @: '$ftp_file_dest' Literally: EOF # Move (and show output) mv -v "$ftp_file" "$ftp_file_dest" >> $out_file 2>&1 # show debug? # set >> $out_file # Send Notice cat $out_file | /usr/sbin/sendmail "$ftp_notify" rm $out_file
Pure-FTPd can be enabled with SSL/TLS security, so that connections can (or must) be encrypted.
Simply create a PEM format file and then start Pure-FTPd with --tls=1
The path to this file is compiled into Pure-FTPd, typically /etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd.pem
- --tls=1 configures SSL/TLS is optional
- --tls=2 forces SSL/TLS
- --tls=3 forces SSL/TLS for session and data - extreme
# create the PEM file root@host # cat /etc/ssl/server.key /etc/ssl/server.crt > /etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd.pem # Configure --tls=# root@host # grep MISC /etc/conf.d/pure-ftpd MISC_OTHER="-A -E -H -R -x -Z --tls=1"
Then restart /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd restart
, when connecting the banner should present something like the following.
ncftp ftp.server.tld NcFTP 3.2.4 (Apr 07, 2010) by Mike Gleason ( Connecting to --------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ---------- You are user number 1 of 30 allowed. Local time is now 10:56. Server port: 21. This is a private system - No anonymous login IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server. You will be disconnected after 5 minutes of inactivity. Login authentication failed
Notice the [TLS] message in the banner.
Pure-FTPd on Ubuntu
After installing in the normal way settings in /etc/pure-ftpd/conf
need to be set, they are one-line per file entries.
They are mapped according to the file /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd-wrapper
Other settings are contained in /etc/default/pure-ftpd-common
for UPLOADSCRIPT for example.
To create a similar configuration as above do the following:
cd /etc/pure-ftpd echo yes > ./conf/ChrootEveryone echo yes > ./conf/DontResolve echo yes > ./conf/NoChmod echo yes > ./conf/ProhibitDotFilesWrite echo yes > ./conf/CustomerProof echo '20000 20099' > ./conf/PassivePortRange /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd restart
Configuring Authentication
On Ubuntu we like to change around the Auth settings, removing PAM and Unix auth and replacing it with just PurePW databases. First take a look at what's there, it's managed via symbolic links which are processed in order. If using multiple authentications (which I'd rather not) I like to put Pure first.
cd /etc/pure-ftpd/auth ls -alh rm ./* ln -s ../conf/PureDB ./50pure
Ubuntu Configuration Directives
'AllowAnonymousFXP' => ['-W'], 'AllowDotFiles' => ['-z'], 'AllowUserFXP' => ['-w'], 'AltLog' => ['-O %s', \&parse_string], 'AnonymousBandwidth' => ['-t %s', \&parse_number_1_2], 'AnonymousCanCreateDirs' => ['-M'], 'AnonymousCantUpload' => ['-i'], 'AnonymousOnly', => ['-e'], 'AnonymousRatio' => ['-q %d:%d', \&parse_number_2], 'AntiWarez' => ['-s'], 'AutoRename' => ['-r'], 'Bind' => ['-S %s', \&parse_string], 'BrokenClientsCompatibility' => ['-b'], 'CallUploadScript' => ['-o'], 'ChrootEveryone' => ['-A'], 'CreateHomeDir' => ['-j'], 'CustomerProof' => ['-Z'], 'Daemonize' => ['-B'], 'DisplayDotFiles' => ['-D'], 'DontResolve' => ['-H'], 'ForcePassiveIP' => ['-P %s', \&parse_string], 'FortunesFile' => ['-F %s', \&parse_filename], 'FSCharset' => ['-8 %s', \&parse_string], 'ClientCharset' => ['-9 %s', \&parse_string], 'IPV4Only' => ['-4'], 'IPV6Only' => ['-6'], 'KeepAllFiles' => ['-K'], 'LimitRecursion' => ['-L %d:%d', \&parse_number_2_unlimited], 'LogPID' => ['-1'], 'MaxClientsNumber' => ['-c %d', \&parse_number_1], 'MaxClientsPerIP' => ['-C %d', \&parse_number_1], 'MaxDiskUsage' => ['-k %d', \&parse_number_1], 'MaxIdleTime' => ['-I %d', \&parse_number_1], 'MaxLoad' => ['-m %d', \&parse_number_1], 'MinUID' => ['-u %d', \&parse_number_1], 'NATmode' => ['-N'], 'NoAnonymous' => ['-E'], 'NoChmod' => ['-R'], 'NoRename' => ['-G'], 'NoTruncate' => ['-0'], 'PassivePortRange' => ['-p %d:%d', \&parse_number_2], 'PerUserLimits' => ['-y %d:%d', \&parse_number_2], 'ProhibitDotFilesRead' => ['-X'], 'ProhibitDotFilesWrite' => ['-x'], 'Quota' => ['-n %d:%d', \&parse_number_2], 'SyslogFacility' => ['-f %s', \&parse_word, 99], 'TLS' => ['-Y %d', \&parse_number_1], 'TrustedGID' => ['-a %d', \&parse_number_1], 'TrustedIP' => ['-V %s', \&parse_ip], 'Umask' => ['-U %s:%s', \&parse_umask], 'UserBandwidth' => ['-T %s', \&parse_number_1_2], 'UserRatio' => ['-Q %d:%d', \&parse_number_2], 'VerboseLog' => ['-d'],