su - 
emerge -av nodejs dev-java/ant
[ebuild  N     ] dev-java/ant-1.9.2  USE="X antlr bcel bsf commonslogging commonsnet -jai javamail jdepend -jmf jsch log4j oro regexp resolver -testutil" 0 kB

npm install -g phonegap

Install Android

tar -zxf
echo "\$PATH:~/adv...." >> ~/.bashrc

Making the Project

phonegap create MyNewProject
cd MyNewProject

Most Android SDK documentation is oriented towards Eclipse IDE and it follows that examples / instructions for PhoneGap would be as well. But, not everyone uses Eclipse. Here's how to do this stuff from the command line, so you can use what-ever editor you choose (*cough* jEdit).


The expected environment for these examples is:

Creating the Project

Creating the new Android+PhoneGap project is super easy. Make a directory to hold the project, run the create tool, import PhoneGap

mkdir ~/moile-dev/apgex/
cd ~/moile-dev/apgex/
android create project \
    --name 'Android_PhoneGap_EXample' \
    --target 12 \
    --path . \
    --package 'com.edoceo.apgex' \
    --activity 'APGEX_Activity'

The project will be created in the current directory. The parameter (12) for target was determined by the output from android list targets. The output from that will have numerous IDs, and platforms identified. On the example system the target identifier of 12 represents Android 2.3.3 (android-10).

Integrating PhoneGap

The project create above is a base-line Android application, which could be coded now as a fully native application. Now we'll integrate PhoneGap, which we'll finally build our application with.

Note: this used to be managed by a tool called droidgap, which is no longer around.

Now, we simply clone the Sample and start hacking

rsync -av ~/phonegap-1.3.0/Android/Sample/ ~/mobile-dev/apgex/

Hacking the Sample

Now we'll surely want to update the Sample code-base with project specific items. The following list shows a few files that should be modified.

From Scratch

Update Manifest, Install PhoneGap

Make asset Dirs

Install PhoneGap JAR and phoneGap JS

telnet localhost 5554

emulator-arm -a VMD_NAME

See Also