Installing memcached
~ # emerge -pv memcached [ebuild R ] net-misc/memcached-1.4.5 USE="-debug -sasl -slabs-reassign -test" 0 kB ~ # emerge memcached
Configuring memcached
Memcached configuration file lives in /etc/conf.d/memcached
Here's a reasonable example, 1GiB on internal network only.
MEMCACHED_BINARY="/usr/bin/memcached" MEMUSAGE="1024" MEMCACHED_RUNAS="memcached" MAXCONN="2048" LISTENON="" PORT="11211" UDPPORT="${PORT}" PIDBASE="/var/run/memcached/memcached"
Configure memcached to start on boot & start it now.
~ # rc-update -a memcached ~ # /etc/init.d/memcached start
Checking Status
Memcache keeps track of the status of objects in the system, you can find this information using it's administrative interface
~ $ echo -en "stats\nquit\n" | nc -q1 localhost 11211 ~ $ echo -en "stats\nquit\n" | nc -q1 -U /path/to/socket/file
Tuning memcached
This is a larger subject than can be covered here but methods include:
- Using persistent connections
- Using special expirations for long persisting objects - in some cases 24h (or more) is acceptable
- Using Multiple memcached Segements and/or Servers