Configuring and tuning dnsmasq with VoIP enabled devices.
DNS and VoIP
When there are VoIP devices on the network there are some udpates that can be made in the DNS to make life a bit easier. If your VoIP is a different subnet than the data network things may be a bit easier. In our office the voice and data are on the same subnet.
DHCP options for VoIP Devices
I like to have all of these things nicely organised.
Configuration of Polycom SoundPoint
Lets create file called /etc/dnsmasq.d/voip.conf
which contains the specific settings just for servicing VoIP devices.
enable-tftp tftp-root=/var/tftp tftp-secure tftp-no-blocksize dhcp-cliet=aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff,pc501-1000, dhcp-option=66,xxxx