Many organizations use services like Constant Contact, iContact or EasyContact for their campaigning purposes. These operations are excellent for small list or small volume senders. All of these service become cost prohibitive when using large volumes. Promitto is a solution that can be delivered at a one time cost, or installation fee and used for many years. For large volume senders Promitto provides much greater value that on-demand services. Promittos is backed by the technical expertise of Edoceo with over 15 years experience in operating email systems.



Sending large volumes of messages requires signifigant resources. Promitto is best installed on a dedicated server, specific hardware requirements can be determined during consultation. Generally Promitto users will acquire a dedicated system from a different provider than their existing mail services.

Installation Process

First contact Edoceo to discuss your requirements. Acquire a suitable Linux based server with a generous amount of bandwidth available (Edoceo can provide). Provide access to this system to Edoceo and we'll install & configure it. Edoceo will need to work closely with your existing IT department for tight integration to your domain (if necessary). Within a few minutes you'll be able to send large volumes of email, a near zero per message cost.

Foot Notes

  1. Well, almost unlimited. Hardware and network bandwidth will be the limiting factors