Getting Started with PhoneGap on Linux without Eclipse

Eclipse is a great editor and all, but I’m a much bigger fan of jEdit which I’ve been using since forever (at least 10 years). So, when wanting to do Android development and especially when using PhoneGap most of the existing documentation focuses on Eclipse.

This shows a full manual process, from installing the Android SDK and PhoneGap, creating the initial project and building the sample provided by PhoneGap. The target system is Linux (Gentoo) and we’ll mostly be working in the home directory of a non-privileged user.

Install the Android SDK

At this time of this writing it was version: android-sdk_r15-linux.tgz.

Might take some time to complete all the downloads during update sdk.

tar -zxf android-sdk_r15-linux.tgz
rm android-sdk_r15-linux.tgz
cd android-sdk-linux
tools/android update sdk --no-ui
echo "PATH="${PATH}:~/android-sdk-linux/tools"" >> ~/.bashrc

Install PhoneGap

Download the latest, at this time PhoneGap 1.2.0.

cd phonegap-1.2.0

Building the Sample

cd ~/phonegap-1.2.0/Android/Sample
android update project --path $(pwd)
ant debug

Running the Sample


Using this UI create a AVD Tools -> Manage AVDs

~/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb devices

Now install to the running emulator

~/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb -e install -r bin/PhoneGapExample-debug.apk


See Also