3 Minutes
Maybe like 30 seconds per bullet point.
- Company Introduction
- Team Slide (core, maybe advisors, etc)
- TAM, SAM, SOM - Who is the Client, Competitors
- Details about the Problem
- Prospects, Customers, Revenue, Funding
- Contact Information, ASK, Social Networks, Email, Phone, etc
Be prepared for details about your Team
Need to Be Clear about points -- don't go to far into the weeds on the technicial details.
Good to cover the Channels that are how folks landing at your business Be sure to cover GTM (Go To Market) process/strategey
Should at least touch on some information about Competition
There is room to talk about some KPIs but keep them simple. If you mention money, or money raised or contributed be prepared to talk about those details. When talking about finances be brief, if you're pre-revenue there isn't much to say.
Should still stay focused on points, and give enough pause for inventors brains to absorb, riff and comeback.
Charts are not such a good idea, expecially detailed one -- three huge bars is MAYBE acceptable.
Contact information is critical, The CTA for this one should be UNIQUE from the CTA in 1m