#/bin/bash # run this as root CHECK_DIRS="/dev /etc /home /opt /usr /var" DEPTH="3" # Find files with no user or group attached /usr/bin/find $CHECK_DIRS -depth -maxdepth $DEPTH -xdev -nouser -nogroup # This finds users who don't have any files for u in `/bin/grep -v 'root' /etc/passwd |/bin/cut -d: -f1` do echo -n "$u..." x=`/usr/bin/find $CHECK_DIRS -depth -maxdepth $DEPTH -xdev -user $u |wc -l` if [ $x -gt 0 ]; then echo "cannot be deleted" else echo "can be deleted" fi done # Same as above but for groups for g in `/bin/grep -v 'root' /etc/group |/bin/cut -d: -f1` do echo -n "$g..." x=`/usr/bin/find $CHECK_DIRS -depth -maxdepth $DEPTH -xdev -group $g |wc -l` if [ $x -gt 0 ]; then echo "cannot be deleted" else echo "can be deleted" fi done